Monday, 29 July 2019

Killie 150 - The Intro and the Outro

Having set myself a deadline of August 1st, the 25th anniversary of publication, to put this book online, I concentrated on the text and seasonal statistics - the meat of the book. So it's not strictly page-by-page as I left out those areas not strictly part of the season-by-season account. As I've managed to post it all online a few days before the deadline I'm including the 'topping and tailing' here.

On this page you will find Acknowledgments, Dedication, Bobby Fleeting's 'Afterword' and a list of advanced subscribers. Who knows? If you're over thirty years old your name might be here.

Because the date I'm posting this is July 29th 2019, which would have been my parents' 70th wedding anniversary, I've taken the liberty of including my inscription on the copy I gave to them 25 years ago come August 1st.

Finally, there's the front and back cover with an explanation of illustrations used.

As promised, I'll include stats up to and including 2005-06, hopefully in the near future.

This has been the story of Kilmarnock FC - now 1869-2019 - as it was from 1869-1994.

If you've reached this stage of the Kilmarnock saga then you have two options available. Either

Back to the beginning

Or What happened next?

Anyone wishing to use any of this material should contact me via my email address or Twitter feed. Links on the top right of the page

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